Saturday, March 20, 2010

Devo 36:10: I Thess 5:24 Be Joyful! Be Prayerful! Be Thankful! Be Open! and Observant!

In today's passage, Paul tells the Thessalonians to: 16 Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); 17Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];
18 Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].19Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the [Holy] Spirit; 20Do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets [do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning]. 21But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast..
I Thessalonians 5:16-22, Amplified

This is a good word for me today! Paul says:

1-Be joyful! Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);

2-Be Prayerful: 7Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];

4-Be Thankful! Give Thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus! A thankful heart appreciates all the things that God and others have done for them. It is not a complaining or ungrateful heart.

4-Be Both Open and Observant! Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the [Holy] Spirit; 20Do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets [do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning]. 21But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast.

This week, I had the opportunity to fellowship and worship with Christians from many different worship styles and emphasis-some were very quiet churches, others were very loud exuberant churches! They ranged from conservative to moderate to liberal. For some, I agreed with their doctrine, for others I did not.

My challenge was how to enter into fellowship and worship with these brothers and sisters, different from me without putting out the spirit's fire. I admit that I struggled at times but im my best moments here's what I strived to do:

1-Not to have a spirit of criticism but to enter into fellowship and worship of that tradition as best I could, consistent with the scripture.

2- If there was something I didn't agree with or understand, I just set it aside for the moment and focus on the things we had in common. This is important so that you will not miss the nuggets that God may have for you in the moment.

That's why Paul said: Do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets [do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning]. 21But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast
I Thess 5:20-21 Amplified

Father, as I go throughout the weekend and into next week. Help me to be Joyful! Be Prayerful! Be Giving and Open to your Spirit and Yet Observant! Lord, I want all that you have for me and I don't want to miss it because of a wrong posture or attitude. In Jesus Name I pray! Amen!